Definitions of HARD in various dictionaries:
adj -
not easy
adj -
adj -
resisting weight or pressure
adj -
very strong or vigorous
adj -
characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
adj -
produced without vibration of the vocal cords
adj -
(of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source
adj -
(of speech sounds)
adj -
given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors
adj -
being distilled rather than fermented
adj -
unfortunate or hard to bear
adj -
dried out
adv -
with effort or force or vigor
adv -
with firmness
adv -
earnestly or intently
adv -
causing great damage or hardship
adv -
slowly and with difficulty
adv -
indulging excessively
adv -
into a solid condition
adv -
very near or close in space or time
adv -
with pain or distress or bitterness
adv -
to the full extent possible
Resistant to pressure; not readily penetrated.
Physically toughened; rugged.
Mentally toughened; strong-minded.
Requiring great effort or endurance: a hard assignment.
Performed with or marked by great diligence or energy: a project that required years of hard work.
Difficult to resolve, accomplish, or finish: That was a hard question.
Difficult to understand or impart: Physics was the hardest of my courses.
Intense in force or degree: a hard blow.
Inclement: a long, hard winter.
Stern or strict in nature or comportment: a hard taskmaster.
Resistant to persuasion or appeal; obdurate.
Making few concessions: drives a hard bargain.
Difficult to endure: a hard life.
Oppressive or unjust in nature or effect: restrictions that were hard on welfare applicants.
Lacking compassion or sympathy; callous.
Harsh or severe in effect or intention: said some hard things that I won’t forget.
Bitter; resentful: No hard feelings, I hope.
Causing damage or premature wear: Snow and ice are hard on a car’s finish.
Bad; adverse: hard luck.
Proceeding or performing with force, vigor, or persistence; assiduous: a hard worker.
Real and unassailable: hard evidence.
Definite; firm: a hard commitment.
Close; penetrating: We need to take a hard look at the situation.
Free from illusion or bias; practical: brought some hard common sense to the discussion.
Using or based on data that are readily quantified or verified: the hard sciences.
Marked by sharp outline or definition; stark.
Lacking in delicacy, shading, or nuance.
Metallic, as opposed to paper.
Backed by bullion rather than by credit.
High and stable.
Durable; lasting: hard merchandise.
Written or printed rather than stored in electronic media: sent the information by hard mail.
Erect; tumid.
Having high alcoholic content; intoxicating: hard liquor.
Rendered alcoholic by fermentation; fermented: hard cider.
Containing dissolved salts that interfere with the lathering action of soap.
Velar, as in c in cake or g in log, as opposed to palatal or soft.
Of relatively high energy; penetrating: hard x-rays.
High in gluten content: hard wheat.
Resistant to biodegradation: a hard detergent.
Physically addictive.
Resistant to blast, heat, or radiation.
With strenuous effort; intently: worked hard all day; stared hard at the accused criminal.
With great force, vigor, or energy: pressed hard on the lever.
In such a way as to cause great damage or hardship: industrial cities hit hard by unemployment.
With great distress, grief, or bitterness: took the divorce hard.
Firmly; securely: held hard to the railing.
Toward or into a solid condition: concrete that sets hard within a day.
Near in space or time; close: The factory stands hard by the railroad tracks.
Completely; fully: hard alee.
Having a partial loss of hearing.
These adj ectives are compared as they mean requiring great physical or mental effort to do, achieve, or master.
adj - firm and unyielding