Anagrammer Widgets

Anagrammer Widget Code

We have built a free widget for your site! It will take 5 seconds to install Anagrammer Word Finder widget on your own website or blog. Simply go through the steps, code and paste on your website or blog. This widget is guaranteed to engage your visitors and encourage them to spend much more time on YOUR website.

Step 1: Customize your widget

Step 2: Agree to our Terms of Use

By copying and using our widget code you agree to: a) You may NOT modify the widget code in any way. b) You may NOT remove the link to c) You may NOT place our widget code on any website with objectionable content such as Adult sites, warez sites, or any website with illegal content.

Step 3: Copy this code & paste on your website:


Here is a live demo of the widget
(standard size 250x250):

scrabble widget simple
wwf widget simple
scrabble widget colorful
wwf widget colorful