Definitions of FREE in various dictionaries:
noun -
people who are free
verb -
grant freedom to
verb -
relieve from
verb -
remove or force out from a position
verb -
grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to
verb -
make (information) available for publication
verb -
free from obligations or duties
verb -
free or remove obstruction from
verb -
let off the hook
verb -
part with a possession or right
verb -
release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
verb -
make (assets) available
adj -
able to act at will
adj -
unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion
adj -
costing nothing
adj -
not occupied or in use
adj -
not fixed in position
adj -
not held in servitude
adj -
not taken up by scheduled activities
adj -
completely wanting or lacking
adj -
not literal
adv -
without restraint
Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty.
Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: felt free to go.
Having political independence: “America... is the freest and wealthiest nation in the world” (Rudolph W.
Governed by consent and possessing or granting civil liberties: a free citizenry.
Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government: a free press.
Not affected or restricted by a given condition or circumstance: a healthy animal, free of disease; free from need.
Not subject to a given condition; exempt: income that is free of all taxes.
Not subject to external restraint: “Comment is free but facts are sacred” (Charles Prestwich Scott).
Not literal or exact: a free translation.
Costing nothing; gratuitous: a free meal.
Publicly supported: free education.
Not occupied or used: a free locker.
Not taken up by scheduled activities: free time between classes.
Unobstructed; clear: a free lane.
Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank.
Taking undue liberties; forward or overfamiliar.
Liberal or lavish: tourists who are free with their money.
Given, made, or done of one’s own accord; voluntary or spontaneous: a free act of the will; free choices.
Chemistry & Physics.
Unconstrained; unconfined: free expansion.
Not fixed in position; capable of relatively unrestricted motion: a free electron.
Not chemically bound in a molecule: free oxygen.
Involving no collisions or interactions: a free path.
Empty: a free space.
Unoccupied: a free energy level.
Favorable: a free wind.
Not bound, fastened, or attached: the free end of a chain.
Being a vowel in an open syllable unchecked by a consonant, as the o in go.
In a free manner; without restraint.
Without charge.
To set at liberty; make free: freed the slaves; free the imagination.
To relieve of a burden, an obligation, or a restraint: a people who were at last freed from fear.
Without charge.
adj - not subject to restriction or control