Definitions of DEEP in various dictionaries:
noun -
the central and most intense or profound part
noun -
a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor
noun -
literary term for an ocean
adj -
relatively deep or strong
adj -
marked by depth of thinking
adj -
having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center
adj -
very distant in time or space
adj -
adj -
having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range
adj -
adj -
relatively thick from top to bottom
adj -
extending relatively far inward
adj -
(of darkness) very intense
adj -
large in quantity or size
adj -
with head or back bent low
adj -
of an obscure nature
adj -
difficult to penetrate
adj -
exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy
adv -
to a great depth
adv -
to an advanced time
adv -
to a great distance
Extending far downward below a surface: a deep hole in the river ice.
Extending far inward from an outer surface: a deep cut.
Extending far backward from front to rear: a deep walk-in refrigerator.
Extending far from side to side from a center: a deep yard surrounding the house.
Far distant down or in: deep in the woods.
Coming from or penetrating to a depth: a deep sigh.
Located or taking place near the outer boundaries of the area of play: deep left field.
Extending a specific distance in a given direction: snow four feet deep.
Far distant in time or space: deep in the past.
Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite: a deep metaphysical theory.
Of a mysterious or obscure nature: a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites.
Very learned or intellectual; wise: a deep philosopher.
Exhibiting great cunning or craft: deep political machinations.
Of a grave or extreme nature: deep trouble; deepest deceit.
Very absorbed or involved: deep in thought; deep in financial difficulties.
Profound in quality or feeling: a deep trance; deep devotion.
Rich and intense in shade.
Low in pitch; resonant: a deep voice.
Covered or surrounded to a designated degree.
Large in quantity or size; big: deep cuts in the budget.
To a great depth; deeply: dig deep; feelings that run deep.
Well along in time; late: worked deep into the night.
Close to the outer boundaries of the area of play: played deep for the first three innings; ran deep into their opponents’ territory.
A deep place in land or in a body of water: drowned in the deep of the river.
A vast, immeasurable extent: the deep of outer space.
The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.
The most intense or extreme part: the deep of night.
The ocean.
A distance estimated in fathoms between successive marks on a sounding line.
adj - extending far down from a surface
noun - a place or thing of great depth