Definitions of CHECK in various dictionaries:
noun -
a written order directing a bank to pay money
noun -
an appraisal of the state of affairs
noun -
the bill in a restaurant
noun -
the state of inactivity following an interruption
noun -
additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct
noun -
the act of inspecting or verifying
noun -
a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.
noun -
something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
noun -
a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something
noun -
a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard)
noun -
the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
noun -
obstructing an opponent in ice hockey
noun -
(chess) a direct attack on an opponent's king
verb -
examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition
verb -
make an examination or investigation
verb -
be careful or certain to do something
verb -
lessen the intensity of
verb -
stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution
verb -
put a check mark on or near or next to
verb -
slow the growth or development of
verb -
be verified or confirmed
verb -
be compatible, similar or consistent
verb -
block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey
verb -
develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice
verb -
consign for shipment on a vehicle
verb -
hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping
verb -
abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey
verb -
stop in a chase especially when scent is lost
verb -
mark into squares or draw squares on
verb -
decline to initiate betting
verb -
hold back, as of a danger or an enemy
verb -
place into check
verb -
write out a check on a bank account
verb -
find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
verb -
verify by consulting a source or authority
verb -
arrest the motion (of something) abruptly
verb -
make cracks or chinks in
verb -
become fractured
An action or influence that stops motion or expression; a restraint: Heavy rains were a check on the army’s advance.
The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint: kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.
An abrupt stop in forward movement or progress; a halt.
The act or an instance of inspecting or testing, as for accuracy or quality; examination: the careful check of each unit before sale; gave the car an oil check.
A standard for inspecting or evaluating; a test.
A check mark.
A ticket or slip of identification: a baggage check.
A bill at a restaurant or bar.
A chip or counter used in gambling.
A small crack; a chink.
A pattern of small squares, as on a chessboard.
One of the squares of such a pattern.
A fabric patterned with squares: a dress of pale green check.
A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent’s king but does not constitute a checkmate.
The position or condition of a king so attacked.
The act of blocking or impeding an opponent in control of the puck in ice hockey, either with one’s body or one’s stick.
Used to declare that a chess opponent’s king is in check.
Used to express agreement or understanding.
To arrest the motion of abruptly; halt: checked the flow by shutting a valve.
To slow the growth of; retard.
To rebuke; rebuff.
To inspect so as to determine accuracy, quality, or other condition; test: checked the brakes and lights for defects; checked out the system to make sure there were no errors in the software.
To verify by consulting a source or authority: checked her facts before speaking; check a spelling in the dictionary.
To put a check mark on or next to: checked off each item on the shopping list.
To deposit for temporary safekeeping: checked his coat at the door.
To consign (luggage, for example) for shipment on a transportation vehicle: checked her bags and boarded the plane.
To make cracks or chinks in: Sunlight dried and checked the paint.
To move in chess so as to put (an opponent’s king) under direct attack.
To block or impede (an opposing player with the puck) in ice hockey by using one’s body or one’s stick.
To come to an abrupt halt; stop.
To agree point for point; correspond: The fingerprints checked with the ones on file.
To be verified or confirmed; pass inspection: The suspect’s story checked out.
To make an examination or investigation; inquire: phoned to check on the departure time; checked into the rumor.
To write a check on a bank account.
To undergo cracking in a pattern of checks, as paint does.
To place a chess opponent’s king in check.
To pause to relocate a scent.
To abandon the proper game and follow baser prey.
To block or impede an opposing player carrying the puck in ice hockey.
To settle one’s bill and leave a hotel or other place of lodging.
To withdraw (an item) after recording the withdrawal: check out books.
To record and total up the prices of and receive payment for (items being purchased) at a retail store: The cashier checked out and bagged my order.
verb - to look carefully at or over