Definitions of BURN in various dictionaries:
noun -
pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
noun -
a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun
noun -
an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
noun -
a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
noun -
damage inflicted by fire
verb -
destroy by fire
verb -
shine intensely, as if with heat
verb -
undergo combustion
verb -
cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort
verb -
cause to burn or combust
verb -
feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion
verb -
cause to undergo combustion
verb -
burn at the stake
verb -
spend (significant amounts of money)
verb -
feel hot or painful
verb -
burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
verb -
get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun
verb -
create by duplicating data
verb -
use up (energy)
verb -
burn with heat, fire, or radiation
To cause to undergo combustion.
To destroy with fire: burned the trash; burn a house down.
To consume (fuel or energy, for example): burned all the wood that winter.
To cause to undergo nuclear fission or fusion.
To damage or injure by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent: burned the toast; burned my skin with the acid.
To execute or kill with fire: burning heretics at the stake.
To execute by electrocution.
To make or produce by fire or heat: burn a hole in the rug.
To dispel; dissipate: The sun burned off the fog.
To use as a fuel: a furnace that burns coal.
To metabolize (glucose, for example) in the body.
To impart a sensation of intense heat to: The chili burned my mouth.
To irritate or inflame, as by chafing or sunburn.
To let (oneself or a part of one’s body) become sunburned.
To brand (an animal).
To harden or impart a finish to by subjecting to intense heat; fire: burn clay pots in a kiln.
To make angry: That remark really burns me.
To defeat in a contest, especially by a narrow margin.
To inflict harm or hardship on; hurt: “Huge loan losses have burned banks in recent years” (Christian Science Monitor).
To swindle or deceive; cheat: We really got burned on the used car we bought.
To undergo combustion.
To admit of burning: Wood burns easily.
To consume fuel: a rocket stage designed to burn for three minutes before being jettisoned.
To undergo nuclear fission or fusion.
To emit heat or light by or as if by fire: campfires burning in the dark; the sun burning brightly in the sky.
To become dissipated or to be dispelled by or as if by heat: The fog burned off as the sun came up.
To give off light; shine: a light burning over the door.
To be destroyed, injured, damaged, or changed by or as if by fire: a house that burned to the ground; eggs that burned and stuck to the pan.
To be very hot; bake: a desert burning under the midday sun.
To feel or look hot: a child burning with fever.
To impart a sensation of heat: a liniment that burns when first applied.
To become irritated or painful, as by chafing or inflammation: eyes burning from the smoke.
To become sunburned or windburned.
To be or become angry: an insult that really made me burn.
To be very eager: was burning with ambition.
To penetrate by or as if by intense heat or flames: enemy ground radar burning through the fighters’ electronic jammers; a look that burned into them.
To be vividly or painfully present: shame burning in my heart.
To suffer punishment or death by or as if by fire: souls burning in hell.
To be electrocuted.
An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.
A burned place or area: a cigarette burn in the tablecloth.
The process or result of burning: The fire settled down to a steady burn.
A stinging sensation: the burn of alcohol on an open wound.
A sunburn or windburn.
A firing of a rocket.
A swindle.
To stop burning from lack of fuel.
To wear out or make or become inoperative as a result of heat or friction: The short circuit burned out the fuse.
To cause (a property owner or a resident) to have to evacuate the premises because of fire: The shopkeeper was burned out by arsonists.
To make or become exhausted, especially as a result of long-term stress: “Hours are long, stress is high, and many recruits drop out or burn out” (Robert J.
To make angry: Their rudeness really burns me up.
These verb s mean to injure or alter by means of intense heat or flames.
A small stream; a brook.
verb - to destroy by fire