Definitions of TRACE in various dictionaries:
noun -
a just detectable amount
noun -
an indication that something has been present
noun -
a suggestion of some quality
noun -
a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image
noun -
either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
noun -
a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
verb -
follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something
verb -
make a mark or lines on a surface
verb -
to go back over again
verb -
pursue or chase relentlessly
verb -
discover traces of
verb -
make one's course or travel along a path
verb -
copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it
verb -
read with difficulty
A visible mark, such as a footprint, made or left by the passage of a person, an animal, or a thing.
Evidence or an indication of the former presence or existence of something; a vestige.
A barely perceivable indication; a touch: spoke with a trace of sarcasm.
An extremely small amount.
A constituent, such as a chemical compound or element, present in quantities less than a standard limit.
A path or trail that has been beaten out by the passage of animals or people.
A way or route followed.
A line drawn by a recording instrument, such as a cardiograph.
The point at which a line, or the curve in which a surface, intersects a coordinate plane.
The sum of the elements of the principal diagonal of a matrix.
An engram.
To follow the course or trail of: trace a wounded deer; tracing missing persons.
To ascertain the successive stages in the development or progress of: tracing the life cycle of an insect; trace the history of a family.
To locate or discover by searching or researching evidence: trace the cause of a disease.
To draw (a line or figure); sketch; delineate.
To form (letters) with special concentration or care.
To copy by following lines seen through a sheet of transparent paper.
To imprint (a design) by pressure with an instrument on a superimposed pattern.
To make a design or series of markings on (a surface) by such pressure on a pattern.
To record (a variable), as on a graph.
To make one’s way along a trail or course: traced through the files.
These noun s denote a visible sign or perceptible indication of the passage or former presence of something.
One of two side straps or chains connecting a harnessed draft animal to a vehicle or whiffletree.
A bar or rod, hinged at either end to another part, that transfers movement from one part of a machine to another.
verb - to follow the course of