Scrabble?! LIGUA

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Definitions of LIGUA in various dictionaries:

Liguanea ( LIG-ənee) is an area of the island of Jamaica in the West Indies. Its name came from the language of the Yamaye people who currently inhabit some of the island's rural areas in Cornwall County, Jamaica. and named it after the iguana lizard that is endemic to the island, and an important source of food for the Yamaye. Geographically, the Liguanea Plains are the fertile flat lands of alluvium spreading south towards the Kingston Harbour, but the area known as Liguanea is only a small part in the Kingston Corporate Area, a section of the parish of St Andrew. From a socioeconomic point of view, Liguanea is the name of a distinct commercial district: east to west, between Half-Way-Tree (up to Jamaica House) and Papine (UTech's front gate); north to south, between Millsborough (Barbican Road) and New Kingston (Mountain View Road to Trafalgar Road). The heart of the Liguanea suburban commercial district is Matilda's Corner, the only intersection of Hope and Old Hope Roads. Activities here serve the immediate neighbourhoods as well as the adjoining area of Papine. The origin of the name Matilda's Corner is unknown. Enclosing residential areas include Mona, Wellington, Mona Heights, Hope Pastures, Trafalgar Park, and Beverly Hills. The "small communities," also known as ghettoes or "deep urban areas," nearby are Sandy Gully, Stand Pipe and Chambers Lane/Air Pipe.


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