13 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

Step 1: How many letters in the Answer?

Step 2: Input the known letters:


Step 3: Input letters it is NOT:


Found 1507 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. Any one of several prickly composite plants, especially those of the genera Cnicus, Craduus, and Onopordon.
  1. A soft, downy substance, resembling fine wool, consisting of the unicellular twisted hairs which grow on the seeds of the cotton plant.
  2. The cotton plant.
  3. Cloth made of cotton.
  4. A soft, nappy, woolen cloth, of loose texture.
  5. a cotton fabric with a thick nap on one side, resembling flannel; it is used, e.
  6. pl.
  7. a washcloth.
  8. humbug; nonsensical or evasive talk.
  9. insincere flattery or praise.
  1. Producing or containing carbon or coal.
  2. relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon
  3. of or relating to the Carboniferous geologic era; "carboniferous rock system"