13 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------
Found 1507 results Matching Hangman Answers
- Any one of several prickly composite plants, especially those of the genera Cnicus, Craduus, and Onopordon.
- A soft, downy substance, resembling fine wool, consisting of the unicellular twisted hairs which grow on the seeds of the cotton plant.
- The cotton plant.
- Cloth made of cotton.
- A soft, nappy, woolen cloth, of loose texture.
- a cotton fabric with a thick nap on one side, resembling flannel; it is used, e.
- pl.
- a washcloth.
- humbug; nonsensical or evasive talk.
- insincere flattery or praise.
- Producing or containing carbon or coal.
- relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon
- of or relating to the Carboniferous geologic era; "carboniferous rock system"