Definitions of make in various dictionaries:
noun -
a recognizable kind
noun -
the act of mixing cards haphazardly
verb -
engage in
verb -
give certain properties to something
verb -
make or cause to be or to become
verb -
cause to do
verb -
give rise to
verb -
create or manufacture a man-made product
verb -
make, formulate, or derive in the mind
verb -
compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
verb -
create by artistic means
verb -
earn on some commercial or business transaction
verb -
create or design, often in a certain way
verb -
to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"
verb -
reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team"
verb -
be or be capable of being changed or made into
verb -
make by shaping or bringing together constituents
verb -
perform or carry out
verb -
make by combining materials and parts
verb -
change from one form into another
verb -
act in a certain way so as to acquire
verb -
charge with a function
verb -
achieve a point or goal
verb -
reach a destination, either real or abstract
verb -
institute, enact, or establish
verb -
carry out or commit
verb -
form by assembling individuals or constituents
verb -
organize or be responsible for
verb -
put in order or neaten
verb -
head into a specified direction
verb -
have a bowel movement
verb -
undergo fabrication or creation
verb -
be suitable for
verb -
add up to
verb -
amount to
verb -
constitute the essence of
verb -
appear to begin an activity
verb -
proceed along a path
verb -
reach in time
verb -
gather and light the materials for
verb -
prepare for eating by applying heat
verb -
induce to have sex
verb -
assure the success of
verb -
represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like
verb -
consider as being
verb -
calculate as being
verb -
cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable
verb -
favor the development of
verb -
develop into
verb -
behave in a certain way
verb -
eliminate urine
To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create: made problems for him; making a commotion.
To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct: make a dress; made a wall of stones.
To form by assembling individuals or constituents: make a quorum.
To change from one form or function to another: make clay into bricks.
To cause to be or become: made her position clear; a decision that made him happy.
To cause to assume a specified function or role: made her treasurer; made Chicago his home.
To cause to act in a specified manner: Heat makes gases expand.
To compel: made him leave.
To form in the mind: make an estimate.
To compose: make verses.
To prepare; fix: make breakfast.
To get ready or set in order for use: made the bed.
To gather and light the materials for (a fire).
To engage in: make war.
To carry out; perform: make a telephone call; make an incision.
To achieve, produce, or attain: made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn’t make the quota.
To institute or establish; enact: make laws.
To draw up and execute in a suitable form: make a will.
To arrive at; reach: made Washington in two hours.
To reach in time: just made the plane.
To attain the rank or position of: She made lieutenant.
To acquire a place in or on: made the basketball team; made the morning papers.
To gain or earn, as by working: make money.
To behave so as to acquire: make friends.
To score or achieve, as in a sport: made a field goal.
To assure the success of: A favorable review from him can make a play.
To favor the development of: Practice makes a winning team.
To be suited for: Oak makes strong furniture.
To develop into: She will make a fine doctor.
To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of: don’t know what to make of the decision.
To calculate as being; estimate: I make the height 20 feet.
To consider as being: wasn’t the problem some people made it.
To constitute: Twenty members make a quorum.
To add up to: Two and two make four.
To amount to: makes no difference.
To constitute the essence or nature of: Clothes make the man.
To cause to be especially enjoyable or rewarding: You made my day.
To appear to begin (an action): She made to leave.
To act or behave in a specified manner: make merry; make free.
To begin or appear to begin an action: made as if to shake my hand.
To cause something to be as specified: make ready; make sure.
To proceed in a certain direction: made for home; made after the thief.
To pretend to be; imitate.
To undergo fabrication or manufacture: This wool makes up into a warm shawl.
To rise or accumulate: The tide is making.
The act or process of making; manufacturing.
The style or manner in which a thing is made: disliked the make of her coat.
The amount produced, especially the output of a factory.
A specific line of manufactured goods, identified by the manufacturer’s name or the registered trademark: a famous make of shirt.
The physical or moral nature of a person; character or disposition: found out what make of man he was.
Identification of a person or thing, often from information in police records: Did you get a make on the assailant? —phrasal verb s.
To have or cause to have a particular effect or result: small details that make for comfort.
To help promote; further: makes for better communication.
To discern or see, especially with difficulty: I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.
To understand: could not make out what she was saying.
To write out; draw up: made out the invoices.
To fill in (a form, for example).
To imply or suggest: You make me out to be a liar.
To try to establish or prove: He made out that he was innocent.
To get along in a given way; fare: made out well in business.
To neck; pet.
To have sexual intercourse.
To neck; pet.
To have sexual intercourse.
To redo; renovate.
To change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document: made over the property to her son.
To put together; construct or compose: make up a prescription.
To constitute; form: One hundred years make up a century.
To alter one’s appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.
To apply cosmetics.
To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent: made up an excuse.
To make good (a deficit or lack): made up the difference in the bill.
To compensate for: make up the lost time.
To resolve a quarrel: kissed and made up.
To make ingratiating or fawning overtures.
To take (an examination or a course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.
To set in order: make up a room.
To select and arrange material for: made up the front page.
To alter one’s appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.
To apply cosmetics.
To make good (a deficit or lack): made up the difference in the bill.
To compensate for: make up the lost time.
To bring into use: a flirt making with the eyes.
To put forth; produce: always making with the jokes.
To carry off; steal.
To use up or consume.
To accept bets on a race, game, or contest.
To carry out successfully: He made good his escape.
To fulfill: She made good her promise.
To make compensation for; make up for: made good the loss.
To succeed: made good as a writer.
To be successful: finally made it as an actor.
To have sexual intercourse.
To engage in amorous caressing.
To engage in sexual intercourse.
To begin a voyage.
To set sail.
To put in an appearance: made the scene at the party.
To participate in a specified activity: made the drug scene.
To move or travel fast, as in an attempt to compensate for lost time.
To make progress toward attracting: He tried to make time with the new neighbor.
To give room for passage; move aside.
To make progress.
Aggressively striving for financial or social improvement: a young executive on the make.
Eagerly seeking a sexual partner.
adj - to cause to exist [v MADE, MAKING, MAKES] : MAKABLE, MAKEABLE