Definitions of light in various dictionaries:
noun -
(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation
noun -
any device serving as a source of illumination
noun -
a particular perspective or aspect of a situation
noun -
the quality of being luminous
noun -
an illuminated area
noun -
a condition of spiritual awareness
noun -
the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures
noun -
a person regarded very fondly
noun -
having abundant light or illumination
noun -
mental understanding as an enlightening experience
noun -
merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance
noun -
public awareness
noun -
a divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul
noun -
a visual warning signal
noun -
a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires
verb -
make lighter or brighter
verb -
begin to smoke
verb -
to come to rest, settle
verb -
cause to start burning
verb -
fall to somebody by assignment or lot
verb -
alight from (a horse)
adj -
of comparatively little physical weight or density
adj -
(used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent
adj -
of the military or industry
adj -
not great in degree or quantity or number
adj -
psychologically light
adj -
characterized by or emitting light
adj -
(used of vowels or syllables) pro noun ced with little or no stress
adj -
easily assimilated in the alimentary canal
adj -
(used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency
adj -
(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims
adj -
moving easily and quickly
adj -
demanding little effort
adj -
of little intensity or power or force
adj -
(physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average
adj -
weak and likely to lose consciousness
adj -
very thin and insubstantial
adj -
marked by temperance in indulgence
adj -
less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so
adj -
having little importance
adj -
intended primarily as entertainment
adj -
silly or trivial
adj -
designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight
adj -
having relatively few calories
adj -
(of sleep) easily disturbed
adj -
casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
adv -
with few burdens
Electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength in the range from about 4,000 (violet) to about 7,700 (red) angstroms and may be perceived by the normal unaided human eye.
Electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength.
The sensation of perceiving light; brightness: a sudden light that made me blink.
A source of light, especially a lamp, a lantern, or an electric lighting fixture: Turn out the lights when you leave.
The illumination derived from a source of light: by the light of the moon.
The particular quantity or quality of such illumination: moved the lamp closer to get better light.
The pathway or route of such illumination to a person: You’re standing in his light.
A mechanical device that uses illumination as a signal or warning, especially a beacon or traffic signal.
Dawn; daybreak.
Something, such as a window, that admits illumination.
A source of fire, such as a match or cigarette lighter.
Spiritual awareness; illumination.
Something that provides information or clarification: threw some light on the question.
A state of awareness or understanding, especially as derived from a particular source: in the light of experience.
Public attention; general knowledge: brought the scandal to light.
A way of looking at or considering a matter; an aspect: saw the situation in a different light.
A person who inspires or is adored by another: My daughter is the light of my life.
A prominent or distinguished person; a luminary: one of the leading lights of the theater.
An expression of the eyes: a strange light in her eyes.
The representation of light in art.
To set on fire; ignite or kindle.
To cause to give out light; make luminous: lit a lamp.
To provide, cover, or fill with light; illuminate: fireworks lighting the sky.
To signal, direct, or guide with or as if with illumination.
To enliven or animate: A smile lit her face.
To start to burn; be ignited or kindled: Green wood does not light easily.
To emit light; be lighted: Wait until the indicator lights up.
Having a greater rather than lesser degree of lightness.
Of or being an additive primary color.
Characterized by or filled with light; bright: a room that is light when the shutters are open.
Not dark in color; fair: light hair and skin.
Served with milk or cream.
To become or cause to become animated or cheerful.
Both forms are well established as adj ectives also: a lighted (or lit) cigarette.
Of relatively little weight; not heavy: a light load.
Of relatively little weight for its size or bulk: Balsa is a light wood.
Of less than the correct, standard, or legal weight: a light pound.
Exerting little force or impact; gentle: a light pat.
Of little quantity; scanty: light snow.
Consuming or using relatively moderate amounts; abstemious: a light eater; a light smoker.
Not harsh or severe: gave the offender a light sentence.
Demanding little exertion or effort; not burdensome: light household tasks.
Having little importance; insignificant: light, idle chatter.
Intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound: a light comedy.
Free from worries or troubles; blithe: a light heart.
Characterized by frivolity; silly or trivial.
Liable to change; fickle.
Mildly dizzy or faint: felt light in the head.
Lacking in ethical discrimination.
Moving easily and quickly; nimble: The dancer was light and graceful.
Designed for ease and quickness of movement; having a relatively slim structure and little weight: light aircraft.
Designed to carry relatively little weight: a light truck.
Carrying little equipment or armament: light cavalry; light tanks.
Requiring relatively little equipment and using relatively simple processes to produce consumer goods: light industry.
Easily awakened or disturbed: a light sleeper.
Easily digested: a light supper.
Having a spongy or flaky texture; well-leavened: light pastries.
Having a loose, porous consistency: light soil.
Containing a relatively small amount of a potentially harmful ingredient, such as alcohol, fat, or sodium: light beer; light mayonnaise.
Of, relating to, or being a syllable ending in a short vowel or a short vowel plus a consonant.
Of, relating to, or being a vowel or syllable pro noun ced with little or no stress.
In a light manner; lightly.
With little weight and few burdens: traveling light.
To get down, as from a vehicle or horse; dismount.
To descend to the ground after flight; land.
To come upon one unexpectedly: Misfortune lighted upon him.
To attack verb ally or physically; assail.
adj - having little weight
LIGHT - Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light, which is the v...