Synonyms of CARDS

What is another word for CARDS

Synonyms of CARDS

noun - one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes

noun - a card certifying the identity of the bearer

noun - a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures)

noun - thin cardboard, usually rectangular

noun - a witty amusing person who makes jokes


noun - a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement

noun - a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited

noun - (golf) a record of scores (as in golf)

noun - a list of dishes available at a restaurant

noun - (baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat

noun - a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities


verb - separate the fibers of

verb - ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor


Synonyms of CARDS

Synonyms of CARDS