Definitions of stand in various dictionaries:
noun -
a support or foundation
noun -
the position where a thing or person stands
noun -
a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area
noun -
a small table for holding articles of various kinds
noun -
a support for displaying various articles
noun -
an interruption of normal activity
noun -
a mental position from which things are viewed
noun -
a booth where articles are displayed for sale
noun -
a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance
noun -
tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)
noun -
a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air
noun -
a defensive effort
verb -
be standing
verb -
be in some specified state or condition
verb -
occupy a place or location, also metaphorically
verb -
hold one's ground
verb -
put up with something or somebody unpleasant
verb -
have or maintain a position or stand on an issue
verb -
remain inactive or immobile
verb -
be in effect
verb -
be tall
verb -
put into an upright position
verb -
withstand the force of something
verb -
be available for stud services
To rise to an upright position on the feet.
To assume or maintain an upright position as specified: stand straight; stand to one side.
To maintain an upright position on the feet.
To maintain an upright or vertical position on a base or support: The urn stands on a pedestal.
To be placed or situated: The building stands at the corner.
To remain stable, upright, or intact: The old school still stands.
To remain valid, effective, or unaltered: The agreement stands.
To be or show a specified figure or amount: The balance stands at $500.
To measure a specified height when in an upright position: stands six feet tall.
To take up or maintain a specified position, altitude, or course: He stands on his earlier offer.
To be in a position of possible gain or loss: She stands to make a fortune.
To be in a specified state or condition: I stand corrected.
To exist in a particular form: Send the message as it now stands.
To be at a specified level on or as if on a scale: stands third in her class; stands high in reputation.
To come to a stop; remain motionless.
To remain stationary or inactive: The car stood in the garage all winter.
To remain without flowing or being disturbed; be or become stagnant.
To be available as a sire.
To be a candidate for public office.
To cause to stand; place upright.
To engage in or encounter: stand battle.
To resist successfully; withstand: stand the test of time; will not stand close examination.
To submit to or undergo: stand trial.
To tolerate and benefit from: I could stand a good night’s sleep.
To perform the duty of: stand guard.
To treat (someone) or pay the cost of (food or drink): She stood him to a drink.
The act of standing.
A ceasing of work or activity; a standstill or halt.
A stop on a performance tour.
The place or station where a person stands.
A booth, stall, or counter for the display of goods for sale.
A parking space reserved for taxis.
A desperate or decisive effort at defense or resistance, as in a battle: made their stand at the river.
A position or an opinion one is prepared to uphold: must take a stand on environmental issues.
A witness stand.
A small rack, prop, or table for holding any of various articles: a music stand; a bedside stand.
A group or growth of tall plants or trees: a stand of pine.
To be ready or available to act.
To wait for something, such as a broadcast, to resume.
To remain uninvolved; refrain from acting: stood by and let him get away.
To remain loyal to; aid or support: stands by her friends.
To keep or maintain: stood by her decision.
To leave a witness stand.
To withdraw, as from a political contest.
To go off duty.
To represent; symbolize.
To advocate or support: stands for freedom of the press.
To put up with; tolerate: We will not stand for impertinent behavior.
To stay at a distance; remain apart or aloof.
To put off; evade.
To maintain a course away from shore.
To be based on; depend on: The success of the project stands on management’s support of it.
To insist on observance of: stand on ceremony; stand on one’s rights.
To protrude; project.
To be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent.
To refuse compliance or maintain opposition; hold out: stand out against a verdict.
To maintain a course away from shore.
To watch or supervise closely.
To hold over; postpone.
To remain valid, sound, or durable: His claim will not stand up in court.
To fail to keep a date with.
To refuse to change one’s position or opinion.
To play one’s poker hand without drawing.
verb - to assume or maintain an upright position