Definitions of cut in various dictionaries:
noun -
a share of the profits
noun -
(film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next
noun -
a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation
noun -
a step on some scale
noun -
a wound made by cutting
noun -
a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass
noun -
a remark capable of wounding mentally
noun -
a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc
noun -
the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage
noun -
the style in which a garment is cut
noun -
a canal made by erosion or excavation
noun -
a refusal to recognize someone you know
noun -
in baseball
noun -
(sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball
noun -
the division of a deck of cards before dealing
noun -
the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge
noun -
the act of cutting something into parts
noun -
the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends
noun -
the act of reducing the amount or number
noun -
an unexcused absence from class
verb -
separate with or as if with an instrument
verb -
cut down on
verb -
turn sharply
verb -
make an incision or separation
verb -
discharge from a group
verb -
form by probing, penetrating, or digging
verb -
style and tailor in a certain fashion
verb -
hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction
verb -
make out and issue
verb -
cut and assemble the components of
verb -
intentionally fail to attend
verb -
be able to manage or manage successfully
verb -
give the appearance or impression of
verb -
move (one's fist)
verb -
pass directly and often in haste
verb -
pass through or across
verb -
make an abrupt change of image or sound
verb -
stop filming
verb -
make a recording of
verb -
record a performance on (a medium)
verb -
create by duplicating data
verb -
form or shape by cutting or incising
verb -
perform or carry out
verb -
function as a cutting instrument
verb -
allow incision or separation
verb -
divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult
verb -
cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch
verb -
reap or harvest
verb -
fell by sawing
verb -
penetrate injuriously
verb -
refuse to acknowledge
verb -
shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of
verb -
weed out unwanted or unnecessary things
verb -
dissolve by breaking down the fat of
verb -
have a reducing effect
verb -
cease, stop
verb -
reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
verb -
lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
verb -
have grow through the gums
verb -
grow through the gums
verb -
cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)
adj -
separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument
adj -
fashioned or shaped by cutting
adj -
with parts removed
adj -
made neat and tidy by trimming
adj -
(used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine
adj -
(of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit
adj -
(of a male animal) having the testicles removed
adj -
(used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply
adj -
mixed with water
To penetrate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in.
To separate into parts with or as if with a sharpedged instrument; sever: cut cloth with scissors.
To sever the edges or ends of; shorten: cut one’s hair.
To reap; harvest: cut grain.
To fell by sawing; hew.
To have (a new tooth) grow through the gums.
To form or shape by severing or incising: a doll that was cut from paper.
To form by penetrating, probing, or digging: cut a trench.
To exhibit the appearance or give the impression of: cuts a fine figure on the dance floor.
To separate from a main body; detach: cut a limb from a tree.
To discharge from a group or number: had to cut three players from the team.
To pass through or across; cross: a sailboat cutting the water.
To divide (a deck of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shuffle or in exposing a card at random.
To reduce the size, extent, or duration of; curtail or shorten: cut a payroll; cut a budget; cut the cooking time in half.
To lessen the strength of; dilute: cut whiskey with distilled water.
To dissolve by breaking down the fat of: Soap cuts grease.
To injure the feelings of; hurt keenly.
To refuse to speak to or recognize; snub: She cut me dead at the party.
To fail to attend purposely: cut a class.
To cease; stop: cut the noise; cut an engine.
To strike (a ball) so that it spins in a reverse direction.
To perform: cut a caper.
To make out and issue: cut a check to cover travel expenses.
To be able to manage; handle successfully: He couldn’t cut the long hours anymore.
To stop filming (a movie scene).
To record a performance on (a phonograph record or other medium).
To make a recording of.
To edit (film or recording tape).
To make an incision or a separation: Cut along the dotted line.
To allow incision or severing: Butter cuts easily.
To function as a sharp-edged instrument.
To grow through the gums.
To penetrate injuriously.
To change direction abruptly: Cut to the left at the next intersection.
To go directly and often hastily: cut across a field.
To divide a pack of cards into two parts, especially in order to make a chance decision or selection.
To make an abrupt change of image or sound, as in filming: cut from one shot to another.
The act of cutting.
The result of cutting, especially an opening or wound made by a sharp edge.
A part that has been cut from a main body: a cut of beef; a cut of cloth.
A passage made by digging or probing.
The elimination or removal of a part: a cut in a speech.
A reduction: a cut in salary.
The style in which a garment is cut: a suit of traditional cut.
A portion of profits or earnings; a share.
A wounding remark; an insult.
An unexcused absence, as from school or a class.
A step in a scale of value or quality; degree: a cut above the average.
An engraved block or plate.
A print made from such a block.
A stroke that causes a ball to spin in a reverse direction.
A swing of a bat.
The act of dividing a deck of cards into two parts, as before dealing.
One of the objects used in drawing lots.
An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film.
A movie at a given stage in its editing: approved the final cut for distribution.
A single selection of music from a recording, especially a phonograph recording.
To shorten by cutting; prune.
To reduce or decrease: cut back production.
To kill or strike down.
To alter by removing extra or additional fittings: cut down a car for racing.
To reduce the amount taken or used: cutting down on one’s intake of rich foods.
To move into a line of people or things out of turn.
To interrupt: During the debate my opponent kept cutting in.
To interrupt a dancing couple in order to dance with one of them.
To connect or become connected into an electrical circuit.
To mix in with or as if with cutting motions: Measure out the flour and use a pair of knives to cut the shortening in.
To include, especially among those profiting.
To separate from others; isolate.
To stop suddenly; discontinue.
To shut off; bar.
To interrupt the course or passage of: The infielder cut off the throw to the plate.
To interrupt or break the line of communication of: The telephone operator cut us off.
To disinherit: cut their heirs off without a cent.
To remove by or as if by cutting.
To form or shape by or as if by cutting.
To take the place of; supplant.
To suit or fit by nature: I’m not cut out to be a hero.
To assign beforehand or by necessity; predetermine: We’ve got our work cut out for us.
To deprive: felt cut out of all the fun.
To stop; cease.
To depart hastily.
To turn off (a light or television set).
To behave in a playful, comic, or boisterous way; clown.
To take on more than one is able to accomplish: “Boy, has he cut a fat hog, as they say down home” (Hughes Rudd).
verb - to divide into parts with a sharp-edged instrument