How many letters in the Answer?

Universal Mar 25 2014

"In ___" (actually) ESSE
"Land" or "sea" ending SCAPE
"Put a lid ___!" ONIT
Aardvark's quarry ANT
Abnormal breathing sounds RALES
Account of incidents TALE
Aerie inhabitant EAGLE
Agra garment SARI
Airline availability SEAT
Arabian chieftain EMIR
Attractive one CUTIE
Baby doll's word MAMA
Baby's complaint COLIC
Ball-___ hammer PEEN
Brown brew ALE
Casa kitchen crock OLLA
Cheese on a cracker CANAPE
Classic Kilmer poem TREES
College exam type ORAL
Come to one's aid RESCUE
Consider carefully TAKEINTOACCOUNT
Country road LANE
Crazed way to run AMOK
Current measures AMPS
Divvy up ALLOT
Earlier in time (with "to") PRIOR
Edible root TUBER
Empty truck's weight TARE
Fine and liberal things ARTS
Flow gradually through cracks SEEP
Galaxy component STAR
Gawks at OGLES
Give off OMIT
Good-for-nothing IDLER
Had the nerve DARED
Have birthdays pile up GETALONGINYEARS
Honeycomb compartment CELL
Icy forecast SLEET
In an unconventional manner ODDLY
In ___ of (replacing) LIEU
Insect's final stage IMAGO
Introduction or preface PROEM
Introduction to psychology? PARA
Junior brook RILL
Keebler character ELF
Leave out in pronunciation ELIDE
Like desert growth SERE
Made for ___ other EACH
Makes angry RILES
Metallic mixtures ALLOYS
MGM mascot LION
Milky-white gem OPAL
Not docked ATSEA
Old computer accessories CDROMS
Oratorio piece ARIA
Package under the Christmas tree GIFT
Paradise lost EDEN
Paving block SETT
Pricey DEAR
Redeems wrongs ATONES
Shipboard direction AFT
Skillet material IRON
Speed, to a DJ RPM
Stable female FILLY
Stat that concerns pitchers ERA
Store event SALE
They may be wild or sown OATS
Tries to buy time STALLS
Tropical ray MANTA
Unconscious OUT
Uses a darning egg MENDS
Variety headline BOFFO
Vicinity AREA
Victory margin, at times NOSE
Vintage RETRO
Visibly healthy HALE
Words before fire or price SETA
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