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The Guardian - Cryptic crossword Dec 08 2008

A sober habit TEMPERANCE
A west African state engulfs a west African state MALAWI
Aimed to provide news agencies MEDIA
Amended deed includes it when revised EDITED
Angry as a rodent that is trapped IRATE
Comprehensive description of 'The Three Blind Mice'? DETAILED
Compromise and put a stop to ill-temper ENDANGER
Cramped northern shaft NARROW
Did a sinful move, showing arrogance DISDAINFUL
Firmly establish I have a qualification to teach IMBED
Insolently exceeded one's station? WENTTOOFAR
International contest won by gifted horse TROJANWAR
It's quite a distance and one is beset by strange lethargy LIGHTYEAR
Look for a bird GANDER
Love seeing bees in the wild that are plump OBESE
Means to enter a faulty item without delay IMMEDIATE
Meat axe CHOP
Needs to set points out DENOTES
New Testament stories about money TALENTS
Outspoken article by GB Shaw CANDIDA
Rebuilding near the capital TEHERAN
Revolutionary move to go on the wagon CARTWHEEL
Say what you like, this right is not absolute in any country FREEDOMOFSPEECH
Show trials REHEARSALS
Spend a penny on a ship PASS
Study occupied by a fellow at college DEAN
The morning help is easily won over AMENABLE
Very affected by going off to temporary accommodation HIGHCAMP
Yet it may be sweet TART
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