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L.A. Times Magazine Dec 10 2006

"I'll be the judge ___!" OFTHAT
"Misty" start LOOKATME
"Scat!" GET
"Why ___ these things?" DOIDO
"___ a chance" NOT
"___ as hell!" IMMAD
"___ discretion ..." (Shak.) ODEAR
... peas in ___ APOD
A degree PHD
A Mouseketeer ANNETTE
A thought process ESP
America's OURS
Antebellum antonym POSTWAR
Approved OKD
Arm of the sea INLET
Bad thing to do NONO
Baggage porter REDCAP
Booker T's band MGS
British jackets ETONS
Bus. placements ADS
Butt heads RAM
Capital of Eritrea ASMARA
Car 54, Where Are You? star Joe ___ EROSS
Cargo measure TON
Center square Paul LYNDE
Certain voice votes AYES
Change AMEND
Clear the boards ERASE
Coati's coat FUR
Cobb and Hardin TYS
Company founded by two Steves APPLE
Compass pt. SSW
Composers' org. ASCAP
Conductor de Waart EDO
Costa ___ RICA
Craze FAD
Dinner downer EATER
Distant FAR
Do a run of, as posters PRINTUP
Dumb as ___ APOST
Equestrian activity RIDING
Erstwhile host Jack PAAR
Ewing viewing? DALLAS
Ex-Giant Hal LANIER
Excavated again REDUG
Faded type HASBEEN
Flying mammal BAT
Fountain of music PETE
Glasgow's river CLYDE
Glimpses SPOTS
Govt. testing org. FDA
Greek letter PSI
Guitarist Clark ROY
Hawaiian bird NENE
Home, for ex. RES
Hotel unit ROOM
How-to unit STEP
In ___ (hard put) ABADWAY
Ink holders PENS
It may be pitched ROOF
It varies from tom to tom MEOWING
Janssen or Ford role KIMBLE
Japanese beer brand ASAHI
Linus Van ___ PELT
Listen here EAR
Little devil IMP
Madeline et al. KAHNS
Magician's opening? ABRA
McCourt book TIS
Misery star BATES
Modest answer ITRY
More rocky STONIER
Moscow dept. store GUM
Music notes FAS
Nighttime in kilt land EEN
No place to be a rat LAB
Of a common element OXYGENIC
Oil tanker nation LIBERIA
Opposite of "ten hut!" ATEASE
Perfectly TOAT
Physics preceder META
Plunders again RELOOTS
Portion out ALLOT
Pretend ACT
Q-U filler RST
Radish, for one ROOT
Rare, as a ball game NOHIT
Rascal in a derby STYMIE
Reaction to a pun GROAN
Return letters? IRS
Rhyme alternative REASON
Roll 'em DICE
Sacked out ABED
Salon selection DYE
Saltwater sweet TAFFY
Screws up ERRS
Secular LAIC
Show to be false, as a theory DEBUNK
Show up APPEAR
Singer James ETTA
Social follower ITE
Something to plaster in Paris MUR
Sport section? ALAI
Sportscaster Albert MARV
Spring mo. APR
Start of a Three Dog Night hit ONEIS
Surfing paradise MAUI
Swiss cheese GRUYERE
Take the top off UNCAP
Tartan design PLAID
Teachers' org. NEA
Teary-eyed SAD
The genuine particle? ION
The P.O.'s interim 25-center in 1988 ESTAMP
They may come in a pack LIES
Those folks THEM
Ticker test, briefly EKG
Tiny worker ANT
Topnotch PRIMO
TV waitress FLO
Type of sch. ELEM
Uncertain IFFY
Understanding KEN
Unhealthfully big OBESE
Victor's predecessor RCA
Vitality SNAP
Vote to accept AGREEON
War vessel FRIGATE
Writer buried in Baltimore POE
Zenith ACME
___ favor POR
___ (who did pro-hunting editorials but sounded like he was reading the cue cards phonetically) CARSONCHARACTERTURBO
___ (who famously lost in 1959) BOXERPATTERSON
___ (who hosted "Monster Chiller Horror Theater" and for some reason always howled like a wolf despite being dressed like a vampire) SCTVCOUNT
___ (who robbed banks) GANGSTERPRETTYBOY
___ (who sang "Money") ROCKGROUPPINK
___ (who was a "key" figure in the Nashville Sound of the 1950s) PIANOMANCRAMER
___ (who was played by Howard McNear) MAYBERRYBARBERLAWSON
___ (who was Tom Brokaw's mentor) NEWSMANKALBER
___ (who won the U.S. Open in 1986) GOLFERRAY
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