How many letters in the Answer?

The Telegraph - Cryptic Feb 23 2006

A soldiers last word? AMEN
A very cold composer? BERG
Asian who returned to help in pub? INDIAN
Bridge players accept it means cards WITS
Change identity? ALTEREGO
Condemn flipping bad temper! DOOM
Cover the skin HIDE
Curse of excommunication pronounced on Anna by them for an article ANATHEMA
Frenchman with strange language - but it's his own! MOTHERTONGUE
Inclinations of angles in shape LEANINGS
Lady who is crazy to get up before sweetheart DAME
Old men from the Northeast with heart broken, left on Sunday Neanderthals
Out of date fish to be disposed of outside OBSOLETE
Paintings found in prisoner's box CARTON
Pictures of bridges up SNAPS
Poised with poorly concealed weapon BALANCED
Right-wingers begin with a country in Africa RWANDA
Rumour of gas for American flyer PETREL
Seating limited by means of access SOFA
Stamp down on drink with journalists SUPPRESS
Strange metal pad in tree DATEPALM
Talk of leader going East for summits PEAKS
The girl's in trousers getting the cats PANTHERS
The theatre closes early for a wedding party STAG
Understood and tucked in GATHERED
Volunteered for the army, having listened to trouble ENLISTED
Where one might load cargo of toast? DOWNTHEHATCH
Wild parties in quietly fashionable lodgings SHINDIGS
Working out meaning at increase AUGMENTATION
Worried parents welcome time with models PATTERNS
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