How many letters in the Answer?

Irish Times (Simplex) Mar 06 2014

Able to read and write LITERATE
Actively resist OPPOSE
Away from the regular runs in skiing OFFPISTE
Clerical gown VESTMENT
Compassion or forgiveness MERCY
Contiguous ADJACENT
Dizzy and unsteady on the feet GROGGY
Early blooming shrub with bright yellow flowers FORSYTHIA
Giving a false appearance of frankness ARTFUL
Gratuity TIP
Group or class CATEGORY
It holds up follies and vices of the powerful to ridicule SATIRE
It indicates a married woman's single name NEE
It's opposite the zenith NADIR
Large fish-eating bird of prey OSPREY
Levy of one tenth TITHE
Make a serious effort ENDEAVOUR
Malign or defame VILIFY
Narrow steep-sided valley CANYON
Oil-drilling device RIG
Old objects, some very valuable ANTIQUES
Overturns UPENDS
Physically quick and nimble AGILE
Putting into service USING
Rapid spin in ballet PIROUETTE
Regret the bitter herb RUE
Rough-hewn or rocky RUGGED
Set of principles laid down as incontrovertibly true DOGMA
Setting alight IGNITING
Small rectangular tile with varying numbers of spots DOMINO
Small V-shaped cut or indentation NOTCH
Speeches or writings of praise EULOGIES
Types of literature, music GENRES
Very angry IRATE
Woodland deities SATYRS
Yield, give in SURRENDER
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