How many letters in the Answer?

Irish Times (Crosaire) Nov 26 2002

A come-back of fodder for a nurse AYAH
A manor might be in the country manner, perhaps STATELY
According to this, perhaps, the saint may peal the bell (6) STRING
After tea the cloth I see does not raise 30 across TRAGIC
After the rule of the monarch, tie it in a knot and make light of it once more REIGNITE
At last the fish has a stink STENCH
Does there deserve to be lots of water there, by the sound of it? EARN
Don't be so inclined to be uninterested LISTLESS
Funny to find a month in the left hand side initially LAUGHS
Gee! there, it's twelve MIDNIGHT
Half a century to a dreadful extent, but not in any criminal way LAWFULLY
How a lack of assurance leads to a lack of colour ASHY
I'd turn up and emphasize that I'm in dire trouble DISTRESS
In its base there seems to be a complete shortage of water there BLACKSEA
Instead of the opposite of 3 down, it's now Beloye More WHITESEA
Is it going on ahead of a goatish doctor? MOHAIR
One has no right to lend money about the piano like this fellow USURPER
One is horrified at what has got into the torn tag AGHAST
Put this seed in the garage CARAWAY
Registering the fact that this isn't a mixture of gin NOTING
See through this to keep a watch on your tumbler EYEGLASS
See, that liqueur has got a taint ANISETTE
She will charm him, despite his age GEISHA
Shortly to be incorporating the capital of Holland INCH
That turning point is enough to make one weep, sister CRISIS
That's about a severe way to keep in bounds RESTRICT
The resin one ate to chew it MASTIC
They make the pools on the road POTHOLES
They were some time ago (but I'm still in them) EIGHTIES
Thus may the diver get around the girl GANNET
Where there's a prisoner, sit when he's playing CELLIST
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