How many letters in the Answer?

Newsday.com Dec 24 2014

''Moby-Dick'' narrator ISHMAEL
12/24 and 12/31 EVES
Actress Hatcher TERI
Airline of Israel ELAL
Annoying one PEST
At one's __ and call BECK
Banish EXILE
Batter's stat RBI
Before the deadline EARLY
Blame-avoiding explanation ALIBI
Board a bus GETON
Business leader, for short EXEC
Calligraphy strokes SERIFS
Calorie-laden RICH
Carbonated drink flavor COLA
Catherine __-Jones ZETA
Chef's seasonings HERBS
Classic yuletide tale ACHRISTMASCAROL
Clinton's vice president GORE
Cropped up AROSE
Declare openly AVOW
Dime-making facility USMINT
Diplomatic agent ENVOY
Does not exist ISNT
Dog-biting bug FLEA
Emphasize STRESS
Espresso + milk drink LATTE
Exceeding ABOVE
Fiendish EVIL
Film-rating org MPAA
Fork prong TINE
Fourth dimension TIME
Glass in binoculars LENS
Happen again RECUR
Having hidden agendas SLY
Highest-ranking SUPREME
Hocus-pocus activity MAGIC
In the remote past ONCE
Infant ailment COLIC
Initial stage ONSET
Jousting pole LANCE
L.A. campus USC
Lake boat CANOE
Letters on Sputnik CCCP
Like a wet noodle LIMP
Lug around TOTE
Mai __ cocktail TAI
Main character of 20 Across EBENEZERSCROOGE
Major muddle SNAFU
Monica of tennis SELES
Musical talent EAR
North Korean leader KIM
Office errand runner AIDE
Officeholder, for short POL
Out-of-focus image BLUR
Period of history ERA
Plant science BOTANY
Poor-quality CHEESY
Prepared to be knighted KNELT
Pub servings ALES
Quartet in ''sassafras'' ESSES
Saudi Arabia neighbor OMAN
Say ''Boo!'' to, perhaps SCARE
See 37 Across DICKENS
Shirt-pressing tool IRON
Snakes like Cleopatra's ASPS
Some Mideast rulers EMIRS
Sounds from Santa HOHO
Spicy Asian cuisine THAI
Squashed circle OVAL
Tendons SINEWS
Tin or tungsten METAL
Trident-shaped Greek letters PSIS
Unknown auth ANON
Watches suspiciously EYES
Wife of Zeus HERA
With 40 Across, author of 20 Across CHARLES
__ yet (so far) ASOF
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