How many letters in the Answer?

Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate May 23 2019

'60s war zone nam
1040 org irs
Ache pain
Actress Hagen uta
Actress Lucy liu
Administrative worker bureaucrat
Albacore, e.g tuna
Architect I.M. — pei
Art Deco master erte
Auction signal nod
Bankroll wad
Beloved dear
Biting remark barb
Blue blood aristocrat
Carton sealer tape
Cold War initials ussr
Cookout, briefly bbq
Crony pal
Cuts off lops
Duck down eider
Full feeling satiety
Give temporarily lend
Goatee's spot chin
Gridlock sound beep
Hearing aids? eardrums
Here (Fr.) ici
Ice cream parlor orders sundaes
In — land lala
Inventor Whitney eli
Jacob's brother esau
Job-safety org osha
Kingdom realm
Knee protector pad
Labels tags
Lean to one side tilt
Loyal true
Many millennia eon
Mel of many voices blanc
New companies startups
Nobelist Walesa lech
Once around the sun year
Pakistani language urdu
Pen name bic
Perched on atop
Poker variety stud
Prof's helpers tas
R-V link stu
Redacted edited
Russian pancakes blini
Saharan arid
Sciences' partner arts
Sicilian spouter etna
Spy org cia
Stinging insects wasps
Submit handin
Texas tea oil
Toe count ten
Took part in a bee quilted
Tour vehicles buses
Uncharged particle neutron
Unemotional stoic
Urban haze smog
Vitamin stat rda
— Victor rca
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