dim Anagrammer
Anagram Your Name
You can anagram your neighbor or your cat, anything really :)What is an anagram? An anagram is formed when letters in a name, word or phrase are rearranged into another name, word or phrase. The new word has the exact same number of letters as the original word. You may use the original letters only once in the formation of the new word. Creativity abounds once you get really good at forming anagrams because the new words could consequently describe the word or personal characteristics of a particular person you know or even a celebrity. For example, a funny anagram of George Bush is 'he bugs Gore'. A clever anagram of Tom Cruise is 'I'm so cuter'.
Some Examples:
Anagrammer - is an anagram of "ranger mama" or "near gramma"
George Bush - is an anagram of "he bugs Gore"
Bob Marley - is an anagram of "Marble Boy"
Funeral - is an anagram of "Real Fun"
The Eyes - is an anagram for "They See"
Bruce Springsteen - is an anagram for "Creep brings tunes"
Debit Card - is an anagram for "Bad Credit"