Jonesin' Mar 06 2007

"Brideshead Revisited" author Waugh EVELYN
"Much ___ About Nothing" ("The Simpsons" episode) APU
"This is only ___" ATEST
"What ___, a mind reader?" AMI
"Wow, I never thought of that before!" GREATIDEA
2006 movie set in Georgia ATL
42-down, at higher altitudes YODEL
Away from prying eyes PRIVATE
BASE jumper's pack contents CHUTE
Beer froth HEAD
Birthday gift wish for little girls PONY
Body of water in Quebec LAC
Bronze component TIN
Cary of "The Princess Bride" ELWES
Cobra warning SSS
Company with a familiar ring to it? AVON
Corporation that owns Ball Park hot dogs and Wonderbra SARALEE
Dessert mentioned in "The Godfather" CANNOLI
Devoured ATE
Devours HAS
Dirty ___ SANCHEZ
Early Eagles coach Earle, nicknamed "Greasy" NEALE
Emit light, as some pointers LASE
Engrossed RAPT
Evenings, on some signs NITES
Ex-"Talk of the Nation" host Ray SUAREZ
Extra charge FEE
Fishnet stockings material MESH
Got too wordy in one's blog, perhaps OVERWROTE
Hanoi holiday TET
Here, in France ICI
Heroine Jane EYRE
Integra maker ACURA
Kicked item CAN
La ___ Tar Pits BREA
Late playwright Wasserstein WENDY
Look too long STARE
Most like the Grinch MEANEST
Norm for Greg Norman PAR
Part of ETA ARR
Participated in a jam session MADEMUSIC
Pound divisions PENCE
Prop for Mr. Peanut CANE
Red Sox outfielder Ramirez MANNY
Regal title, for short HRH
Remington played by Pierce Brosnan STEELE
Roughs it CAMPS
Scottish family CLAN
SeaWorld attraction SHAMU
Separated APART
Showed one's contempt for, maybe SPATAT
Sits down to eat DINES
Slip up ERR
Summer hrs. in Iowa CDT
Take the plunge WED
The first X-rated Bond film? NUDIEANOTHERDAY
The largest share ALL
The number after ocho, lined up vertically? NUEVEPLUMB
Tops of houses covered with small birds? NUTHATCHEDROOFS
Type of energy with its funding slashed? NUCLEARCUT
Vertically UPANDDOWN
Vince McMahon's org. WWE
Warble SING
Was concurrent ASSENTED
Went off course VEERED
What you used to be? THEE
Woman of letters VANNA
Word before fry or potatoes SMALL
Words seen before closing credits THEEND
Zonked out ASLEEP
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