Universal Oct 13 2012

"Dragnet" star Jack WEBB
"Employ" attachment EES
"Gone With the Wind," for one EPIC
"Hula" or "hoop" follower SKIRT
"Scarecrow and ___ King" MRS
"The Murders in the ___ Morgue" RUE
"What ___ can I say?" ELSE
"___ not fight" LETS
A rival of ABC CBS
Appropriate APT
Art stand EASEL
Athenian H ETA
Bigwig, for short VIP
Black hues, in old poems EBONS
Brosnan's TV sleuth STEELE
By its very nature PERSE
Chang's twin ENG
Columnist Coulter ANN
Connecticut collegian ELI
Cornfield measure ACRE
Dawson of football fame LEN
Desert illusion MIRAGE
Distinctive doctrines ISMS
Draw back RESILE
Equal-sided quadrilateral RHOMBUS
Essential points GISTS
Fairy tale meany OGRE
Feverish chill AGUE
Fish eggs, or a kind of deer ROE
Flying solo ALONE
Fox's prey HEN
Goof up ERR
Haggard songwriter? MERLE
Hail from the past AVE
Humorous fellow WAG
Id counterpart EGO
Information booth visitor ASKER
Irritating IRKSOME
Kangaroo pouch SAC
Label for many a photo BEFORE
Like many reprimands SEVERE
Like some thermometers ORAL
Long-winded VERBOSE
Longtime Italian ruling family SAVOYS
Madison or Pennsylvania AVENUE
Mass medium? CHURCH
Meyers or MacFarlane SETH
Model-maker's purchase KIT
Naval vacations SHORELEAVES
Nodded off noisily SNORED
One of two, doesn't really matter EITHEROR
Original position SITUS
Pain in the joints GOUT
Parsons' homes MANSES
Perform, to the Bard DOETH
Perplexing problem GORDIANKNOT
Physicians' org AMA
Prefix in many Ocean Spray drinks CRAN
Prefix with "China" or "European" INDO
Prickly seed case (Var.) BUR
Ran 100 yards, perhaps DASHED
River in Arizona GILA
Sci-fi vehicle UFO
Short skirts MINIS
Short verse sung by a priest VERSICLE
Sinuous shocker EEL
Small cobalt-colored bird BLUETIT
Smear over BEDAUB
Spent a restful night SLEPTLIKEALOG
Spheres ORBS
Suffix with "host" or "lion" ESS
Type of room in cyberspace CHAT
Vocally ALOUD
What revenge-seekers get EVEN
Whodunit feature PLOT
Work at, as a trade PLY
Workbench devices CLAMPS
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