The Guardian - Cryptic crossword May 06 2010

A degree of disorder that makes part of infirmary poor ENTROPY
Adam, blessed originally with garden, falling short BEDE
After men box, get judge to score ORCHESTRATE
American city that has French artist but no Irish RENO
Call to have a leftie imp­rison­ed not restricted to one person SHAREDOUT
Chunk of words — the normal amount to acc­ompany a diagram PARAGRAPH
Church member arrested according to report COPT
Drink and drive? Stuff that! GROGRAM
Fairy's the female mischief-maker PERISHER
Fellow is locked in shed? He's unlikely to pray HUMANIST
Fringe benefit for each is brought in fairly PERQUISITE
Goon the reverse of excellent for the Church ECCLESIA
It's put into effect with penetrating article IMPALEMENT
Jars may be drunk after broadcast AIRTIGHT
Large? Then it's bad place for one to enter! LILLIPUT
Last words of 21? Others weep with him, I fancy HOWISTHEEMPIRE
Like a certain king or queen somewhere in London, you'd say PEARLY
Like language coming from drunk arguing, not good UGRIAN
Mates — the type to engage in fiddles CONSORTS
Name of female officer in charge at cathedral CICELY
Newspaper editor's prime passion RAGE
Occasions when many top performers get dismissed? Try strike action maybe TESTMATCHES
Rest, half of that being lost with bad feeling RESPITE
Seat chucked in the auditorium THRONE
See May's man get off high tree with difficulty GEORGETHEFIFTH
Sri Lanka affair producing outcry CLAMOUR
What sounds like region down below barrier GROYNE
Woman, see, wanting head removed! SALOME
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