New York Times Sep 12 2016

'Close but no ___' CIGAR
'I am the greatest,' e.g BOAST
'My Country, ___ of Thee' TIS
'R-E-S-P-E-C-T' diva Franklin ARETHA
'Tall' stories TALES
'We try harder' company AVIS
1965 Yardbirds hit IMAMAN
Abbreviation on a pound sign? ASPCA
Actor Morales ESAI
Agenda units ITEMS
Anatomical pouches SACS
Apartment dweller's payment RENT
Art Deco artist ERTE
Asks Warsaw residents their opinions? POLLSPOLES
Baby back ribs source PIG
Benefit BOON
Bette who won a Golden Globe Award for 'Gypsy' MIDLER
Body of water between Dublin and Liverpool IRISHSEA
Bond girl Adams MAUD
Brand for Fido ALPO
Bushy part of a squirrel TAIL
Church recesses APSES
Clothes unwrinkler IRON
Crankcase attachments OILPANS
Cuba or Aruba ISLE
Cures the backs of feet? HEALSHEELS
Describe in greater detail, with 'out' FLESH
Deserves ISDUE
Diamonds, slangily ICE
Dislike intensely ABHOR
Ecologically oriented org EPA
Finds buyers for smartphones? SELLSCELLS
French friends AMIS
Garage sale disclaimer ASIS
Group of like-minded voters BLOC
Hands (out), as money DOLES
Ill humor BILE
Increases the number of commercials? ADDSADS
Londoner or Glaswegian, informally BRIT
Man who might tip his cap GENT
Mani-___ (salon offering) PEDI
Mariner in a whale of a novel? AHAB
Mideast chiefs EMIRS
Modest swimming garment ONEPIECE
Monopoly game's B&O and Reading: Abbr RRS
More like a fox SLIER
Music producer Brian ENO
Of the highest quality FINEST
Offering from a casting director ROLE
Ozone problem HOLE
P.G.A. part: Abbr ASSN
Particular points LOCI
Peels some fruit? PARESPEARS
Photo caption following a major weight loss AFTER
Place to say 'With this ring, I thee wed' ALTAR
Plus AND
Plus quality ASSET
Punctuation mark akin to a semicolon EMDASH
Remove, as a currency from a fixed rate UNPEG
Sacred image ICON
Sergeant's superior, slangily LOOIE
Symbol of slipperiness EEL
Take care of SEETO
Top of a royal flush ACE
Tree secretion RESIN
Two steps above cpl SSGT
Under ___ pretenses FALSE
Up to, informally TIL
Waste pile ASHHEAP
What a lipstick print signifies KISS
What comes before the storm CALM
Wheel's center HUB
You might be stuck with these when traveling in the Southwest CACTI
___ as a dog SICK
___ Strauss & Co LEVI
___ the Explorer DORA
___-jongg MAH
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