USA Today Nov 16 2006

''Brian's Song'' star CAAN
''I second that!'' HEARHEAR
''Oh, fudge!'' DRAT
''___ the Knife'' MACK
A part of INON
AAA recommendations, perhaps RTES
Amazes AWES
Arbor Day honoree TREE
Astronomer Hubble EDWIN
Bethlehem visitors MAGI
Body parts that may be bent EARS
Brat's Christmas present COAL
Bride's worldly possessions DOWRY
Cabaret relatives CAFES
Dame from Down Under EDNA
Day break? NAP
Distinctive new-car feature SMELL
Encourage EGGON
Epithet for Shakespeare BARD
Film that won nine Oscars GIGI
Flatters, in a way MASSAGESONESEGO
Former Yugoslav leader TITO
Full of guile WILY
Got into the swing? SAT
Grippe FLU
Grows tiresome WEARS
Habituate INURE
Heartfelt reading? EKG
Island visited by Magellan GUAM
It may be read before meals MENU
Johnny Mathis classic MISTY
Kind of cheese GOAT
Kind of party SEARCH
Kind of seltzer BROMO
Letter from Greece ETA
Like some legal print FINE
Lincoln had one BEARD
Merrier GAYER
Mother of Jesus MARY
Nadir opposite ACME
Nearly four-foot-tall actor Billy BARTY
Negatively charged atom ANION
One finding roaches at home? STONER
Only so far TOAPOINT
Own up to ADMIT
Party card game UNO
Personality parts IDS
Philosophy CREDO
Picked CHOSE
Racing sled LUGE
Rascal KNAVE
River through Bern AARE
Rooms for contemplative leisure, perhaps DENS
Rowel holder SPUR
Safe place? BANK
Secondhand USED
Singer's asset RANGE
Slippery swimmers EELS
Small plateau MESA
Small toiletry case ETUI
Smashing success BIGHIT
Spilled the beans SANG
Takes root SETSIN
Tapered arch OGIVE
Taunting remarks GIBES
Tip of Mexico? PESO
Trapped like ___ ARAT
Triumphant cry IWIN
Tub toy BOAT
Tube's inner diameter BORE
What leadfoots do SPEED
What lousy offers get? NOTAKERS
Word of accord YES
Word with field or shirt POLO
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