USA Today Aug 09 2007

''Christ Stopped at ___'' EBOLI
''Drat!'' and ''Egad!'' OATHS
''Joey'' cast member de Matteo DREA
''That's trouble!'' OHOH
''The Sopranos'' Emmy winner Falco EDIE
''___ and Soul'' (1930 song) BODY
Adam's arboretum EDEN
Adds, offer-wise THROWSIN
Annapurna's country NEPAL
Appellation NAME
Being, to Caesar ESSE
Blackens SEARS
Cincinnati threesome ENS
Commiserator's word ALAS
Cousteau milieu OCEAN
Covent Garden highlight ARIA
Coyote kin LOBO
Day-to-day deterioration WEAR
Detected SEEN
Electronic control systems SERVOS
End of the comic query OWNWORLDWIDEWEB
Flamenco accolades OLES
Flexible LITHE
Flock members EWES
Food of the gods AMBROSIA
Full of vigor LUSTY
Gangland biggie CAPO
Garden trespasser WEED
Hardly every day SELDOM
Healthy snack YOGURT
Italian palace city ASOLO
Kind of duck ODD
Kind of sale BAKE
Lag behind TRAIL
Like early television LIVE
Memorable Merman ETHEL
Middle of the comic query POSTABLOGVIAHIS
Mythical big bird ROC
Needing straightening BENT
Neophytes TYROS
Noted Grandma MOSES
Noted work? SONG
Offshoot groups SECTS
Once more, hillbilly-style AGIN
Patrick's ''Ghost'' co-star DEMI
Perry's penner ERLE
Pet in Bedrock DINO
Piniella of baseball note LOU
Reagan's ''Star Wars'' plan SDI
Register signer ENROLLEE
Rich soil LOAM
Rise partner SHINE
Sadie Hawkins Day creator CAPP
Sensing AWARE
Sheepherding areas LEAS
Shore scuttler SANDCRAB
Small insect-eating bird VIREO
Springsteen's nickname BOSS
Spy-in-hiding MOLE
Start of a comic query SHOULDSPIDERMAN
Stay in hiding LIELOW
Took one's turn WENT
U.S. Grant's home state OHIO
Wedge of pizza SLICE
Windows XP, Windows NT, e.g. VERSIONS
Without advantage or disadvantage EVEN
Without walls OPEN
WWII enemy sub UBOAT
Ye ___ shoppe OLDE
___ Dhabi ABU
___-Seltzer ALKA
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