The Washington Post Oct 10 2017

'Aye, lass,' in Acapulco SISENORITA
'Doesn't matter to me' SEEIFICARE
'Family Matters' misfit URKEL
'Forget You' singer who was a coach on 'The Voice' CEELOGREEN
'Rhyme Pays' rapper ICET
'Supervixens' director Meyer RUSS
'__ the Sheriff': Clapton hit ISHOT
1986 horror film in which a man becomes an insect THEFLY
Action hero Jason in three Ludlum novels BOURNE
Airline to Oslo SAS
Airport porter SKYCAP
Author's ending? IZE
Awesome, nowadays EPIC
Benelux country: Abbr NETH
Big name in razors ATRA
Birthday greeting opened with a click ECARD
Body of verse POESY
Boxers Laila and Muhammad ALIS
Brainstorm IDEA
Caesar's last question ETTU
Carne __: burrito filling ASADA
Celebrated chef Ducasse ALAIN
Church area behind an altar APSE
Comic's perch STOOL
Congenital INBORN
Copycats APERS
Detective Wolfe NERO
Elite Navy fighter SEAL
Equipment, in a ledger ASSET
Even though ASMUCHAS
Ewes' guys RAMS
Fashion line SEAM
Female French friends AMIES
Get big on Twitter TREND
Ginger's 'Gilligan's Island' hutmate MARYANN
Give it __: swing hard ARIP
Golf Hall of Famer Ernie ELS
Gumbo pod OKRA
Honor roll student's disappointment CPLUS
Just get (by) EKE
Lab rodent RAT
Label for Elvis RCA
Lacks what it takes to CANNOT
Legendary terror of the deep SEAMONSTER
Lightweight synthetic ORLON
Like most people ASIAN
Lovers of wordplay PUNSTERS
Material CLOTH
Mirror shape OVAL
Names given to an assassin HITLIST
Old film dog ASTA
Padua parting CIAO
Pet adoption agcy SPCA
Prefix with space AERO
Prep for fight night SPAR
Quantum movement? LEAP
Radar gun user SPEEDCOP
Repaired, as a fence MENDED
Repast MEAL
Rice-__ ARONI
Rihanna's home country BARBADOS
Rodeo automaker ISUZU
Roof overhang EAVE
Sentence subject, usually NOUN
Sierra Nevada lake TAHOE
Sketch DRAW
Sunday benches PEWS
Swedish vodka brand ABSOLUT
The one over there THAT
Under threat INDANGER
West Indies tribe for which a sea is named CARIB
Working-class Roman PLEB
__ blocker BETA
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