Words Ace Cheat

The Most Powerful Word Ace Cheat Solver!

We have built the most powerful word ace cheat on the web, now help us spread the Word!! Share with your friends, they will thank you!

It is very simple to use - pretty self-explanatory

About negative s & negative e
You can enter negative characters like this:

for negative S = enter $ (which kinda looks like S)
for negative E = enter # (which kinda looks like E)

Mr. Anagrammer will compute all the scores correctly and will display both your possible words and potentially what your opponent may have, with that information you can make a more intelligent bet, based on your chances of winning that hand.

Since 2003 we have been generating words using our sophisticated engine. Whether you are a professional word game player or a casual enthusiast, you can considerably fine-tune your skills using anagrammer. We do not advocate cheating, however, nowadays so many people are using cheats that we feel compelled to give you the tools to even the playing field. Explore the OUR TOOLS section to find various other cheats we have!