9 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

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Found 979 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. An edifice or place full of intricate passageways which render it difficult to find the way from the interior to the entrance; as, the Egyptian and Cretan labyrinths.
  2. Hence: Any intricate or involved inclosure; especially, an ornamental maze or inclosure in a park or garden, having high hedges separating confusingly convoluted passages.
  3. Any object or arrangement of an intricate or involved form, or having a very complicated nature.
  4. An inextricable or bewildering difficulty.
  5. The internal ear.
  6. A series of canals through which a stream of water is directed for suspending, carrying off, and depositing at different distances, the ground ore of a metal.
  7. A pattern or design representing a maze, -- often inlaid in the tiled floor of a church, etc.
  8. complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost
  9. a complex system of interconnecting cavities; concerned with hearing and equilibrium
  1. The dollar fish.
  2. A mark on a substance or body made by foreign matter; a blot; a place discolored.
  3. A stain on character or reputation; something that soils purity; disgrace; reproach; fault; blemish.
  4. A small part of a different color from the main part, or from the ground upon which it is; as, the spots of a leopard; the spots on a playing card.
  5. A small extent of space; a place; any particular place.
  6. A variety of the common domestic pigeon, so called from a spot on its head just above its beak.
  7. A scinoid food fish of the Atlantic coast of the United States.
  8. pl.
  9. A coin of the same general weight and value as the United States silver dollar, though differing slightly in different countries, formerly current in Mexico, Canada, parts of South America, also in Spain, and several other European countries.
  10. The value of a dollar; the unit of currency, differing in value in different countries, commonly employed in the United States and a number of other countries, including Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, parts of the Carribbean, Liberia, and several others.
  1. A large body of water contained in a depression of the earth's surface, and supplied from the drainage of a more or less extended area.
  2. English poets at the beginning of the 19th century who lived in the Lake District and were inspired by it
  1. Of or pertaining to Lamaism.
  1. The young of the sheep.
  2. Any person who is as innocent or gentle as a lamb.
  3. A simple, unsophisticated person; in the cant of the Stock Exchange, one who ignorantly speculates and is victimized.
  1. A city in Northwest England on the river Lune.
  2. The English royal house that reigned from 1399 to 1461; its symbol was a red rose; called also the House of Lancaster.