15 letter Crossword/Hangman Answers ---------------

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Found 856 results Matching Hangman Answers

  1. A shrub of the genus Syringa.
  2. A light purplish color like that of the flower of the purplish lilac.
  1. papaver.] Any plant or species of the genus Papaver, herbs with showy polypetalous flowers and a milky juice.
  1. A person sanctified; a holy or godly person; one eminent for piety and virtue; any true Christian, as being redeemed and consecrated to God.
  2. One of the blessed in heaven.
  3. One canonized by the church.
  4. See Saint Elmo's fire, under Saint.
  1. Supreme power; sovereignty; sway; dominion.
  2. The dominion of an emperor; the territory or countries under the jurisdiction and dominion of an emperor , usually of greater extent than a kingdom, always comprising a variety in the nationality of, or the forms of administration in, constituent and subordinate portions; as, the Austrian empire.
  3. Any dominion; supreme control; governing influence; rule; sway; as, the empire of mind or of reason.
  4. Belonging to the arial regions, or visible heavens.
  5. Of or pertaining to the spiritual heaven; heavenly; divine.
  6. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Chinese, or Celestial, Empire, of the Chinese people.